How To Clean A Motorcycle Gas Tank? [A Guide for 2024]

Due to the fuel that runs inside it, a motorcycle tank is usually wet, and therefore prone to rust if not taken care of.

A long period of neglect and rust will lead to a gas tank that only drains money from your pocket. When a motorcycle’s gas tank starts to deteriorate from the inside out, you are forced to keep replacing fuel filters.

However, if you took the time to clean your motorcycle’s gas tank now and then, you would in fact save money, not lose.

Cleaning a motorcycle’s gas tank is a process, that is part of cleaning a motorcycle properly. There is a correct procedure you should follow to ensure you don’t ruin the tank.

But don’t worry – we are going to teach you the right steps you should follow.

Step 1. Disconnecting the Tank

Before you can start cleaning the tank, you have to disconnect it from the motorcycle. Once you do that, you will gain access to it for safe cleaning.

There are screws and bolts that secure the tank – unscrew them and unstrap the tank.

Remove the gas cap, petcock, and all hoses that are attached.

Step 2. Sealing the Fuel Line

After you have disconnected the fuel line, you also need to seal it.

If you don’t seal the fuel line, gasoline will come out of the line. In addition, dirt and other objects can enter the fuel line, and that will cause engine problems.

Attach a smooth-faced clamp to the fuel line, close to the carburetor.

Ensure the carburetor and the line are separate.

Take off the clamp, but only after positioning the line over a bucket.

Let the fuel line drain its contents into the bucket below.

Step 3. Tank Emptying

If any fuel remains, pour into a gasoline-safe container.

In case you are unable to get everything out of the fuel line, remove it using a suction hose or a device that is similar to remove the remaining fuel from the tank,

Ensure the tank dries completely.

Unless you have removed all the remaining fuel from the tank, you cannot clean the engine properly. You must therefore ensure that all the fuel has drained from the tank.

Step 4. Tank Inspection

Inspecting the tank is about ensuring that there are no problems which could undermine the tank’s integrity.

For instance, the presence of rust, defects, and other problems can lead to potential safety hazards that are not good for the engine’s health.

Take the tank out in the outdoors in daylight to ensure you can see into it clearly. In case you need more light to see, you can shine a flashlight into the gas tank.

Be especially attentive to rust spots, wear, and any defects you spot in the tank’s material.

You must also take a look at the fuel filter to ensure that it is clean. If it is not clean, replace it.

Step 5. Spray High-Pressure Water

The cleaning process itself involves spraying high-pressure water into the tank.

The use of high-pressure water enables you to break lose any accumulation or buildup on the tank’s bottom.

Note, by the way, that you will not be using any chemicals. Soap, for instance, is a chemical. Introducing chemicals into the tank can lead to engine problems.

Set the hose and prayer to a high-pressure setting.

Spray the water in various tank locations.

If the rust buildup is particularly substantial, consider working with a blaster or pressure washer.

Check this guide on motorcycle oil filter from GeekDriver.

Final Thoughts

Note that even motorcycles which are well maintained may show signs of rust and debris inside their gas tanks. That is why learning to clean the gas tank is so important. After cleaning the gas tank, you can determine if your motorcycle’s tank is good enough to last a long time to come or if you will need to replace it soon.

When you clean your motorcycle gas tank, you won’t have to keep replacing fuel filters or cleaning the carb. A tank that is not cleaned starts to deteriorate from the inside out.

No user manual gives the details on how to clean a gas tank, and as a result, many people are afraid of the procedure. As you have seen, however, it is not complicated.

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